Showing posts with label memory hacks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label memory hacks. Show all posts

Want to increase Memory ? Try these few tricks!

Hi Readers, Now a days due to too much hectic life people forget to focus on their health and also the changing food habits, sleeping habits and lots of stress for many reasons making their Body and Brain weak.
Today here we will discuss about few tricks that will astonishingly change your life and habits of forgetting things and work. So, let's get started,

1.The Night Method.
 Its very simple to understand that every Body part needs exercise for rejuvenation and to remain healthy and so as the brain. For this method you have to lie down on your bed when you feel too sleepy at that time just focus on the things that you did after waking up early morning and before coming to bed during night, I mean every little thing as little as you can remember like at what time you charged your phone etc. Try this hack for one month only and you will see that your memory will become so sharp that every small action you did and every small thing you did will be remembered by your brain.

 2.Squat with holding cross ears
Do simple squats and hold your ears with cross hands and do at least 4-5 repetitions of 10 squats every morning and evening for one month and see the difference. 

3. Soaked Almonds and walnut

Soak them during night and eat them early morning everyday empty stomach and remember just peel off the Almonds and don't peel or crush the walnuts.

These were few small memory hacks that you all can use to change your brains capability.

stay healthy and stay blessed.

References: - YouTube, Wikipedia and self-tested techniques.

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