Showing posts with label healthy living. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthy living. Show all posts

Yoga for acidity or acid reflux

Healthy living: Yoga poses to treat acidity

According to research published in the National Institutes of Health, practising yoga was shown to help regulate and/or alleviate symptoms connected to digestive disorders, such as acid reflux.

Acid reflux or acidity is a prevalent ailment which develops when the stomach generates too much acid. Food breakdown happens typically by the acid caused by the stomach, but occasionally the stomach’s acid production goes overboard, producing an excess of acid.

“Proper chewing of food, drinking enough water, and stopping smoking are essential for those with acid reflux or heartburn; otherwise, it may make the condition worse. Along with a few other naturopathic remedies, yoga may help reduce acidity in the digestive system and effectively treat acid reflux,” said Dr G Prakash, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Jindal Naturecure Institute.

Studies have indicated that people who experience acid reflux report stress as a key contributing factor to their acid reflux symptoms. According to research published in the National Institutes of Health, practising yoga was shown to help regulate and/or alleviate symptoms connected to digestive disorders, such as acid reflux.

Paschimottanasana, or the Forward bend position,

It is helpful for promoting better function of abdominal organs. Because of its holistic benefits, the pose cures digestive issues like acidity, which are connected to an imbalanced digestive system. This asana also helps in regulating the menstrual cycle and reducing abdominal fat.

Halasana (Plow Pose)

Halasana is known as the plough posture as the phrase “Hala” is Sanskrit for “plough”, and “asana” means “pose” in Sanskrit. It has the ability to increase flexibility, strength, and the spinal muscles as well. It’s an efficient way to relieve tension in the shoulders and back muscles as well.

Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose, or Diamond Pose)

This is a fairly easy yoga posture that may be practised either after lunch or dinner. This asana is one of the best for acidity since it improves digestive function, reduces bloating, and helps to alleviate abdominal discomfort. Also known as the “diamond pose,” Vajrasana is a good meditation and breathing posture for cultivating tranquilly.

Pavanamuktasana (Wind-Relieving Pose)

It is another powerful posture for reducing acidity, and as such, is quite useful for healing digestive issues, such as constipation and gas. It also massages the intestines and other organs in the belly and strengthens the lower back and abdominal muscles. It has other benefits, such as improving circulation in the hip joints and easing stress in the lower back.

Ushtrasana (Camel pose)

The practice of Ushtrasana helps to promote digestion by stimulating the abdominal organs. It increases the strength and flexibility in the chest, belly, and neck and also aids in better blood flow to the pelvic area and the brain. In order to allow for better capacity in the lungs and chest, this asana is beneficial. This asana also releases stress from the abdominal area, further treating acidity.

Kapal Bhati Pranayama (Breath of Fire Technique)

This breathing technique generates body heat, which then breaks down waste materials and toxins stored in the body, most especially in the stomach region, thereby lowering acidity. It has the additional benefit of increasing your lung capacity, making them stronger.

Naturopathy tips for healing acidity and gas.

While yoga may be a fantastic cure for stomach and acidity issues, it’s helpful to include some easy dietary modifications and good eating habits to get visible improvement in overall gastrointestinal health.

It is recommended that rather than drinking an ounce of water, drink lots of it. And don’t rely on only water. Instead, drink green tea, fruit juices, lime water, and fruit smoothies, coconut water instead. This will assist you to lower your chances of developing heartburn since it will lessen the acidity in your stomach.

Spicy food is often related to increased acidity. People with acidity have to be extra careful while making meals with red sauce, vinegar, or similar foods since they may do quite some damage. Instead, increase your consumption of fresh fruits and raw vegetables, which have greater water content and nutritional value.

Eating at irregular hours also often leads to acidity. And so, naturopaths also advise eating meals on time and not skipping meals.

Additionally, people should avoid eating too much or too little since these actions may lead to an imbalance in the body. Eating modest portions throughout the day instead of one or two large meals can help ensure that you are getting enough nutrition. Thus, not only is it a beneficial habit to relieve acidity, but also for maintaining a healthy lifestyle overall

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