Mondia whytei (MULONDO):
MULONDO is commonly known as White's ginger, tonic root or umondi/mundi; a Zulu name from which the generic name was derived. Interestingly, the specific epithet ‘whitei’ was in honour of the collector Mr A.S White of Fundisweni, Natal who motivated the transfer of the species to the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, England for documentation (Ross, 1978).
It is an endemic African species useful to the populace since ancient time. Some of the important uses of mulondo are medicinal, cultural and nutritional. Most of the plant material is collected from the wild and this has contributed significantly to its vulnerable status. In most countries where M. whitei is found, the commercial cultivation of the species is minimal or does not exist which has further impacted upon its conservation.
Roots increase serum and intra-testicular testosterone levels
In folk medicine; the Luhya community of western Kenya chew the roots for good luck before setting out to perform a difficult task, as a cure for bewitchment, as a love potion, to overcome hang-overs, a symbol of peace and a sign of power
The roots are largely valued as sexual stimulant, appetiser, flavours, and a stimulant for milk production in lactating mothers.
Chewing the roots is also believed to help clear hangovers from beers as well as controlling stomachache.
It is used as an aphrodisiac for males and for improving female sexuality (women's Viagra) in most areas of Uganda particularly in urban centres and the Kampala City.
It's roots are reportedly used for treating gonorrhea and impotence, and also for contracting the uterus in women after delivery.
It is also mixed with porridge to prevent baby rash.
One of the key uses include the treatment of libido, reduced fertility, and erectile dysfunction. Additionally the herb has been used in the treatment of jaundice, headaches and even diarrhea.
When it is took in Supplement form it works in 3 ways. Firstly it provides the optimum hormonal environment that encourages the body to increase its own natural testosterone production.
Clinical studies have demonstrated that taking Mulondo on a daily basis for 8 days produces significant increase in both serum and testicular testosterone. It has also been shown to boost sperm motility and increased testicular size.
Increased testosterone helps in many ways, it boost libido, fertility, muscle mass, strength and energy levels. it also helps to control belly fat, moods and sleep quality too.
It also works as an effective aphrodisiac. By relaxing the blood vessels in the penis, it allows a greater supply of blood to flow into the chambers (Corpus Cavernosum), this helps provide a solid and longer lasting erection. It has also been proven to help boost sperm boosting male fertility.
Mulondo has demonstrated a powerful ability to boost the potency of erection , it has shown that it can increase vasodilation and reduce penile tissue contraction rather like the effects of the prescription drug Sildenafil (better known as Viagra).
Working in the same way as Viagra, it can provide similar benefits without the well documented health risks and side effects.
It is available on many shopping apps and can be easily purchased.
As it is imported from another country so the cost is also high .
Click link to buy the product :-
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