Health benefits of tomatoes 🍅
Now a days the life style is changing and human is moving from its natural life to an artificial lifestyle. The advancement of digitalization and the methods of producing and processing of food is making detrimental effects on the human body.
They were the ancestors who managed their life with the boon of nature and surviving themselves within the womb of mother nature. Mother nature has provided us with the immense and vast herbs on this planet and if a man swim along with it than he may not suffer from any kind of discomfort in it's life. History has shown many evidences and consequences in the past about the depart of man from the rules of nature.
But still mother nature always loved its species dwelling upon it and always took care of them. Still due to the changing habits of mankind and eating behavior of them is creating many or most diseases and discomfort in the body.
One such phenomenon is Blood pressure , a phenomenon which can be described as pressure exerted by the heart on the walls of arteries, even though we know that a normal blood pressure in human body is 120/80 and some variations can be accepted depending upon many factors such as age, job schedule, lifestyle, stress level and exercise. But in certain cases, even when we go with safer side of health, somehow certain circumstances abruptly imbalance the human vitals and one such human vital is above mentioned.
When the walls of the arteries get thick in width due to excess oily meal and continuously taking stress because stress plays a vital role in increasing the BP and cholesterol level in our body. So here BP and cholesterol are co-related with each other because higher cholesterol will not let your blood pass through the arteries and this can create a fatal condition in human even heart attack or death also.
Here I will share a simple home remedy to reduce the condition of high Cholesterol and BP in few days only. It is a simple method and can be easily done at home.
Following ingredients will be needed to prepare it:-
1) 36 cloves of garlic
2) 4 lemon
3) water
That's all we require to get this incredibly healthy thing
Method :-
. Cut these 36 cloves into pieces
. Cut lemon in three-four pieces
. Take 1 liter of water and start boiling it .
. Put all the ingredients in it and let the water boil.
. Now boil the water until it become half liter from one liter.
. Now take that water in another vessel and throw the residual.
Your recipe is ready to drink.
Dosage :-
.One fourth of glass in morning and evening empty stomach .
. Do it for three to four days and prepare this daily daily in the morning as per requirement.
Stay healthy and stay blessed...
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