Toasting to the holidays? Some studies show that beer consumed in moderation may be beneficial to your health. Here are eight reasons why.

1. Beer is more nutritious than other alcoholic drinks.

We hear a lot about the abundance of antioxidants in wine but beer has just as many. The specific antioxidants are different because the flavonoids in barley and hops are different from those in grapes, but antioxidants are a good thing. Beer is also higher than wine in protein and vitamin B. Even better, beer contains iron, calcium, phosphates and even fiber.

2. Beer can help protect your heart.

Studies suggest moderate beer drinking* may make you less likely than those who don't drink to suffer from hearts attacks, strokes or heart disease. In fact, studies evaluating the relative benefits of wine versus beer versus spirits suggest that moderate consumption of any alcoholic beverage is associated with lower rates of cardiovascular diseases.

3. Beer helps prevent kidney stones.

Drinking beer could help reduce your risk of developing kidney stones. According to a recent study, men and women who reported drinking a moderate amount* of beer reduced their risk of developing a stone by 41 percent. Beers that contain a lot of hops for example, pale ales are rich in kidney health-promoting phytochemicals.

4. Beer lowers bad cholesterol.

The soluble fiber in beer can help reduces LDL or bad choelsterol. Increasing your intake of soluble fiber has numerous health benefits, including the promotion of healthy blood-sugar and blood-cholesterol levels. However, because alcohol interferes with the body’s ability to absorb vitamins and minerals, it can also lessen the body’s ability to burn stored fat

5. Beer strengthens your bones.

Due to its high silicon content, beer may help to build stronger bones. Dietary silicon in the soluble form of orthosilicic acid (OSA) may be important for the growth and development of bone and connective tissue and help reduce risk of osteoporosis, a bone-thinning disease.

6. Beer helps reduce stress.

Researchers found that two glasses of beer a day can reduce work-related stress or anxiety. However, routinely turning to alcohol to help cope with stress may do more harm than good. While alcohol may help with stress reduction in the moment, in the long run it can contribute to feelings of depression and anxiety, making stress harder to deal with.

7. Beer may help improve memory.

Hops has a secret ingredient that can help improve cognitive function – Xanthohumol. It’s a flavonoid that helps slow down the degradation process of memory. The chemical could help protect brain cells from oxidative damage associated with dementia. (Important note: The dosage used in the study was much higher than a human could possibly consume via beer. Research is still in early stages.)

8. Beer helps cognitive function.

In middle-aged subjects, increasing levels of alcohol consumption were associated with better function. These findings do not suggest we encourage increased alcohol consumption, but moderate alcohol consumption* has been proven to increase cognitive function.

What you should know 

  • The benefits of moderate alcohol consumption have not been generally endorsed by physicians for fear that heavy consumers may consider any message as a permissive license to drink in excess. Talk to your doctor about your personal health history and individual consumption patterns.

  • Heavy drinking is linked to cirrhosis, fetal alcohol syndrome, hypertension, malnutrition and pancreatitis.  It also increases cancer.




Mondia whytei (MULONDO):


 MULONDO  is commonly known as White's ginger, tonic root or umondi/mundi; a Zulu name from which the generic name was derived. Interestingly, the specific epithet ‘whitei’ was in honour of the collector Mr A.S White of Fundisweni, Natal who motivated the transfer of the species to the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, England for documentation (Ross, 1978).

It is an endemic African species useful to the populace since ancient time. Some of the important uses of mulondo are medicinal, cultural and nutritional. Most of the plant material is collected from the wild and this has contributed significantly to its vulnerable status. In most countries where Mwhitei is found, the commercial cultivation of the species is minimal or does not exist which has further impacted upon its conservation.

Mulondo a creeping plant 


Roots increase serum and intra-testicular testosterone levels

In folk medicine; the Luhya community of western Kenya chew the roots for good luck before setting out to perform a difficult task, as a cure for bewitchment, as a love potion, to overcome hang-overs, a symbol of peace and a sign of power 

The roots are largely valued as sexual stimulant, appetiser, flavours, and a stimulant for milk production in lactating mothers.

Chewing the roots is also believed to help clear hangovers from beers as well as controlling stomachache.

It is used as an aphrodisiac for males and for improving female sexuality (women's Viagra) in most areas of Uganda particularly in urban centres and the Kampala City.

It's roots are reportedly used for treating gonorrhea and impotence, and also for contracting the uterus in women after delivery.

It is also mixed with porridge to prevent baby rash.

One of the key uses include the treatment of libido, reduced fertility, and erectile dysfunction. Additionally the herb has been used in the treatment of jaundice, headaches and even diarrhea.


When it is took in Supplement form it works in 3 ways. Firstly it provides the optimum hormonal environment that encourages the body to increase  its own natural testosterone production.

Clinical studies have demonstrated that taking Mulondo on a daily basis for 8 days produces significant increase in both serum and testicular testosterone. It has also been shown to boost sperm motility and increased testicular size.

Increased testosterone helps in many ways, it boost libido, fertility, muscle mass, strength and energy levels. it also helps to control belly fat, moods and sleep quality too.

It also works as an effective aphrodisiac. By relaxing the blood vessels in the penis, it allows a greater supply of blood to flow into the chambers (Corpus Cavernosum), this helps provide a solid and longer lasting erection. It has also been proven to help boost sperm boosting male fertility.

Mulondo has demonstrated a powerful ability to boost the potency of erection , it has shown that it can increase vasodilation and reduce penile tissue contraction rather like the effects of the prescription drug Sildenafil (better known as Viagra).

Working in the same way as Viagra, it can provide similar benefits without the well documented health risks and side effects.

It is available on many shopping apps and can be easily purchased. 

As it is imported from another country so the cost is also high .

Click link to buy the product :- 


Stay healthy stay blessed.

Daily habits and weight loss

Hi friends,
In this chaos of fast moving world and being shortage of time people often forget about their health and when they realise it till then time has passed to reverse the gear.
Today people are more dependent on the street/restaurants food than their home ususallly it happens because mostly people live outside their house and don't have time to cook food or to stay with family.

In this article we will show you few steps about how to maintain your lifestyle healthy by following few steps only in your busy schedule.

Follow the following 5 steps  mentioned below to reduce stress, weight, and fatigue from your life.


Change in the mindset is foremost thing to do to change your life. As well all know PSYCHOLOGY about anything creates impact on our life it is the branch of science with deals with behaviour of human tendency. 
For most thing we have to do is to change this psychology about ourself i.e we are bulky or thin, always think that am perfect and will always remain perfect and you would see a magical change in your body after few days only.

Think positive about your body because it will lead you towards the divine power of positivity, the power which raise you as a perfect human body. A body which you always wanted to looke like. Whenever you get time to see yourself in the mirror just say these words that am perfect and will always remain perfect. And We bet that you will definitely see change in yourself. 

STEP 2. Small changes in eating habits.

Few changes in the diet on daily basis can leads to super change in the life and health . Think about the moment when one day you  come out of room and people starts telling you that you are looking great, all around you appreciate you and ask you about the diet and your hardwork you did for this change over . 
Fir this change just make small changes on your daily diet, these are not costly and easily available around you. Refer following image :- 

For instance :- 
During your working time you can take coconut water inspite of tea or coffee .

Try to drink more water only when you feel thirsty, drinking too much water absurdly put pressure on your kidney.


For evening snack take some fruits inspite of namkeen or stuffed breads or coffee/tea.

Keep dinner light and lunch heavy in which keep more vegetables and water rich food or you can take heavy dinner and light lunch.

Refer below image:-

Water rich food is must for body and for loosing weight and maintaining immunity.


You might have heard about ANEMA usually it is given to patient for endoscopy to clear the stomach and intestine so that a clear view can be take but in general life it is a good method to loose weight and to maintain a good health if done once or twice a week.

Method of ANEMA 

Requirements :- 
2 table spoon of rock salt 
1 litre fresh water 
And an off day from your work .

Procedure :- 

Mix salt in water and stir it well and drink it empty stomach in 10-15 mins. It may be too salty but believe us it is healthy cleansing method for your body.

Now walk or do your daily homework normally after 40-45 mins you will feel to go toilet, clear your stomach that time this process may take upto 2-3 hours to clean your stomach and intestines. 
Now when you feel that all is normal try to drink some lemon water without sugar( 1 glass ) and don't do any hard work after that. After this process take proper rest and eat light food in the evening and take light juice in the afternoon .
From next day you can start your normal diet.

Benefits :- 

Clean colon and stomach

Increase body metabolism

Increase fat burning process if done regularly 

Skin brightening 

Good blood circulation

Removes harmful substances from intestines

Increase memory

Maintain good sleeping habits 

** People with high blood pressure must avoid this process.

Visti this link for video 


There are lots of pranayama which you can do during your working hours .
And you only need 5-10 mins to do it , doing pranayama increases oxygen supply in your body which creats immense magical effect in your body .

Refer the above image for pranayama in office and for detail description you can visit following link :- 

Pranyam is the healing power of stresses and removes toxic thoughts from body keeping calm and healthy .

Perform any 2-3 pranyam daily in your office or at home for best results .


Fasting once or twice a week keeps body aways from diseases and give time to body for healing.
Fasting has been proved a boon for many people and it has also reduced many cancer problems in body.

Visit following link to know how fasting has created miracles in lives of many people .

You might have heard about interim fasting, it is a method made for those who can't tolerate full fast and are more dependent on food.

For this you have to do 16 hours fasting only, you might be thinking that 16 hours are also too much time but don't worry we will show how simply it can be done.
You don't have to do it during day time just do it during night 😉.
Read following example :- suppose you take dinner at 8 pm and after that you don't have to eat anything(water can be drunk) till morning 12 pm. And during this time you will be in sleeping mode and when you will wake up you just have to tolerate 4-5 hours . In between these 4-5 hours you can take some lime water or coconut water but not juice. After 12 pm eat your lunch and dinner as described in point 2 of this article.
Do this on regular basis and you will see the result in two weeks only. At first it may be tough for you but everything starts with hardwork i.e no pain no gain .

Benefits of fasting -

Reduces weight 

Heals the disease at faster rate 

Makes your inner organs healthy 

Reduces risk of heart disorder 

Lower the bad choelsterol level and increases good cholesterol

Good for insulin injection taking people, fasting maintain good sugar level in body and after doing regularly it can reduce diabeties permanently.

Take care of your health

Stay blessed and stay healthy 

Damaged Liver ?????? ..Herb that can cure Liver-Blood- And Much More !

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